Calculator Sources

Sources of US Averages (Default Values)

Avg vehicle MPG

Avg freight truck’s grams CO2 per ton-mile

Avg available seat-miles per gallon

Avg KWH per household per month

Avg therms of natural gas per household per month

Avg miles driven per month

Avg miles flown per year (Divided US passenger-miles in 2019 by the US population in 2019 to get passenger-miles per person per year)

Average pounds of trash, recycling, and compost per person per day

Conversion Factors

2000 pounds CO2 per US ton

1.102 US tons per metric ton

19.37 pounds of CO2 per gallon of motor gasoline

22.46 pounds of CO2 per gallon of diesel fuel

21.5 pounds of CO2 per gallon of jet fuel

.113 kg CO2 per passenger-mile of rail travel (converted to .000125 US tons)

.92 pounds of CO2 per KWH

53.06 kg of CO2 per mmBTU of natural gas (converted to .00585 US tons of CO2 per therm)

13 pounds of CO2 per US gallon of propane 

24 pounds of CO2 per US gallon of heating oil

GHG Equivalencies Calculator (used to convert US tons CO2 to cars off the road and hectares of forest sequestering carbon for a year)

.341 US tons CO2 per ton of mixed solid waste landfilled (.00017 tons CO2 per pound)

-3.145 US tons CO2 per ton of mixed recyclables recycled (-.00157 tons CO2 per pound)

-.078 US tons CO2 per ton of mixed organics composted (-.000039 tons CO2 per pound)

Other Sources

Foodprints by diet type

Latest RGGI Proceeds Report (2022 data. Divided lifetime emissions reductions (7,507,128 tons) and lifetime energy bill savings ($1,808,879,901) from 2022 investments by total RGGI proceeds in 2022 ($1,193,619,000). Applied the ratios to each donation to find a quality estimation of the financial and environmental impact of that donation being reinvested by RGGI.)

Analysis of the Public Health Benefits of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative: Found that RGGI resulted in ~$5.7 billion in health savings from 2009-2014. Applied the ratio of health savings ($5.7 billion) to RGGI proceeds 2009-2014 ($1.79 billion) to every donation to quantify the approximate health bill savings resulting from each donation.

Included in our RGGI reinvestment impact calculation is the amount of each donation that goes directly to RGGI. Since we do not know what the next auction will clear at, we use the clearing price of the latest auction in our calculations for a rough estimate.